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All About Ad Extensions from Google Ads Agency Experts - Part 1

May 9, 2022
May 1, 2023

All About Ad Extensions from Google Ads Agency Experts - Part 1

Within the world of Google Ads, there are multiple tools that are meant to optimize your ad campaigns while increasing the chances of attracting new customers to your business. One of those tools is ad extensions. Ad extensions are well known in a Google Ads agency and it’s proven to optimize ad campaigns, as well as, deliver better results. If your marketing strategy includes Google Ads campaigns, be sure to follow along as we explain the type of ad extensions and their benefits.

Red Shark Digital | google ads agency

So What Are Google Ads Extensions?

Just like the name explains, ad extensions extend and expand your ad with additional information that is relevant to your business and campaign. The main goals of an extension are to maximize the performance of your ads, increase the clickthrough rate, and improve brand visibility. Ad extensions make your ads more prominent and valuable, as well as, more appealing to the user.

Why Should You Incorporate Ad Extensions?

When utilizing Google ads Greenville NC, there are numerous benefits to incorporating ad extensions. Here are a few of our favorites.

  • Improve Lead Quality: One of the most important benefits of using ad extensions is getting better-quality leads. Ad extensions add value to potential customers and help users engage with ads that they think are more relevant to their search. By letting the users take action directly from search results, our Google ads agency can aid in increasing your chances of getting more qualified clicks and conversions.
  • Higher Ad Rank: Google is all about providing a high-quality user experience, and ad extensions do just that. When you include ad extensions, you are giving Google more options that they can use to format your ads, offer relevant information for the searcher, and in effect make your ad rank higher.
  • It’s Cost-Effective: Now that you know that ad extensions will get you better quality leads and potentially make your ad rank higher, let’s talk about money. Since incorporating ad extensions improve clickthrough rate (CTR), this will lower the cost-per-click (CPC). The lower the CPC cost, the less money you are spending on a lead.

Types of Extensions

Automated Ad Extensions: If Google determines that an extension will improve your ad’s performance, then it will place extensions to your ad automatically. According to Google, automated extensions can give you better ads and more chances to win new qualified customers. With the help of our Google ads Greenville NC agency, we can provide you with the following ad extensions to boost your presence:

  • Dynamic sitelink extensions
  • Dynamic structured snippet extensions
  • Automated location extensions and affiliate location extensions
  • Seller rating extensions
  • Dynamic callout extensions
  • Automated message extensions

Manual Ad Extensions: These types of extensions are manually placed by a Google Ads agency expert, like the ones at Red Shark Digital.

  • Call extensions
  • Location extensions
  • App extensions
  • Sitelink extensions
  • Callout extensions
  • Price extensions
  • Structured snippets extensions
  • Promotion extensions

Red Shark Digital | The Leading Google Ads Agency

When it comes to ads, Google offers a variety of ways to enhance your ad and boost performance. Ad extensions are only a small part of a bigger marketing strategy that a Google Ads agency like Red Shark Digital masters. As the leading experts in Google Ads Greenville NC, our team is fully capable of helping your business reach new potential customers. If you are looking to work with a local agency that is committed to your company, contact Red Shark Digital today!

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