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The 5 Most Effective Marketing Channels According To Raleigh NC Marketing Pros

January 18, 2022
September 27, 2023

The 5 Most Effective Marketing Channels According To Raleigh NC Marketing Pros

Red Shark Digital

What does it take to create a successful marketing campaign? Sure, a large marketing budget helps, but at Red Shark Digital ad agency Raleigh NC, we believe that advertising on the right marketing channels is the first step to success, no matter the size of your business or budget. In this blog, we’ll introduce you to the top five most effective marketing channels the Raleigh NC marketing pros at Red Shark Digital recommend, along with best practices for each.

Organic Search

According to AH Refs, organic search refers to the non-paid search results from a search engine. It’s one thing to pay for the top search result spot, but getting there organically is a much more affordable way to do it - but how? The practice of optimizing a website or webpage to increase the quantity and quality of its traffic from a search engine’s organic results is called search engine optimization, or SEO for short.

Best Practices: For organic search to be an effective marketing channel for your business, you should first make sure there is search demand for topics related to your business. Red Shark Digital ad agency Raleigh NC can help with this, as well as conduct keyword research for you to then use to create relevant content, like blogs, that can be published and then used on multiple platforms - more on that later though. Content and staying consistent is key for this marketing channel.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is exactly what it sounds like: Marketing through the use of video. They say every picture tells a story, so if you can market your brand through engaging video and story telling, then you should!

Best Practices: Remember those blogs I mentioned earlier? If you have taken the time to write a blog to boost your SEO, then why not turn the same content into a video? Video has proven to grab one’s attention for more than text, so use that to your advantage. Not to mention, it too can be published and then repurposed on multiple outlets and platforms.

Social Media

Is your target audience on social media? Then why aren’t you using those platforms to your advantage?! Having a social media presence allows you to communicate on a more personable level with your customers. This will not only build trust with your audience, it will also help to drive people back to your website, which hopefully influences them to choose you over your competitor.

Best Practices: For social media marketing to work, you must regularly post and engage with your followers. And all that content you’ve been creating to drive your organic search results and video marketing? Well, social media is the perfect place to utilize those blogs and videos! Just be available to answer any questions or respond to any negativity right away on this particular marketing channel.

Paid Digital Advertising

We’ve already gone over organic marketing, but what about Paid? I thought you’d never ask! Paid digital advertising, whether through social platforms, search Google ads Raleigh NC, or a programmatic display platform, is the best way to reach your target audience. Through specific targeting and the wide range of purchasable ad formats, your ad agency Raleigh NC can easily measure, control, and scale your marketing goals to get you fast results.

Best Practices: For this marketing channel to be effective, you must have a good website and/or landing page to link to. Also, the offer your ads suggest should actually fit your target audience. Some ads will be ineffective because of how they are designed, and some will fail because the offer turned out to be unattractive to those who saw it.

Word Of Mouth

Word-of-mouth marketing is the process of influencing and encouraging natural discussions about a product, service, or company. This is very effective because, simply put, people trust other people’s opinions on their experiences with your products or services.

Best Practices: Ask for ratings, reviews, and testimonials from those who know and trust in your business. Use these to your advantage! Let your happy customers help you to create more happy customers. This grows brand awareness and sales without any ad spend.

Red Shark Digital | Raleigh NC Marketing Pros

As a credible ad agency Raleigh NC, we hope that you now have a better understanding of what we consider to be the five most effective marketing channels available for advertisers today. If you are still unsure about which marketing channels to use for your business to succeed, you can always reach out to our team of Raleigh NC marketing pros at Red Shark Digital, we’re always happy to help! Give us a call today to learn more or get started.

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