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Holiday Marketing With Buddy the Elf and Red Shark Digital Advertising Agency

November 12, 2021
January 2, 2024

Holiday Marketing With Buddy the Elf and Red Shark Digital Advertising Agency

Red Shark Digital

The year is quickly coming to a close, and the last hump we have to get over is the holiday season. Each year seems to grow more challenging than the last, facing new updates and technology and a steep incline in expectation to outperform your competitors in the peak of online shopping. With the pressure of the season weighing you down, Red Shark Digital marketing agency Greenville NC is here to lift you up, and help in your holiday marketing and advertising efforts! With a little inspiration from the famous holiday movie, Elf, we are just as excited as Buddy to have put together this list of 10 tips to remember when preparing and putting forth your holiday marketing campaigns this season! Let’s begin!


1. Don't be a “cotton-headed ninny muggins” and make smart marketing decisions that fit with the year’s trends. Bring everything to your customer’s fingertips, and have a foolproof online store to optimize your business's sales. Take advantage of online ad and SEO opportunities for your website through a digital advertising agency Greenville NC to ensure your campaigns are performing.


2. “First, we'll make snow angels for two hours, and then we'll go ice skating, and then we'll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookie Dough as fast as we can. And then, to finish, we'll snuggle.” Have a plan that your entire team is aware of that includes goals, a mission, and a strategic layout of how you are going to achieve these aspirations. When the holiday season hits, advertising can get frantic and jumbled, unless you opt to work with a digital marketing agency Greenville NC who does this heavy lifting for you.


3. “Santa’s coming!” It’s time to put your plans into action! The countdown until the holidays are over is growing shorter and shorter, so there is no better time to get your marketing tactics up and running, than now!


4. “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear” and advertising your content on platforms that fit your niche. Many marketing agencies utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and more due to the rise in usage during the holiday season. However, these aren’t the only networks where you can show face for a boost in sales. By utilizing Google ads, newsletters, influencers and other forms of brand awareness tactics, you can ensure your target audience learns about your company and merchandise or services before the new year. Figure out what avenues will work best for you and don’t get left behind!

5. "You have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card.” Keep your digital advertising agency Greenville NC tactics attractive and festive. No one wants to see a dark and gloomy advertisement for something during the most colorful time of the year. Get creative with elements, colors, and patterns, to catch the eye of anyone scrolling through or passing by. A simple yet effective way to do this is by utilizing your predetermined brand guidelines and altering the color palette or design elements slightly. This ensures the creatives produced still align with your overall aesthetic of your business, yet instill a sense of urgency and appeal to the holidays. If you don’t feel confident in updating your brand’s style guidelines, Red Shark Digital NC marketing agency offers creative services that will make your holiday campaign merry and bright!


6. “It's just nice to meet another human who shares my affinity for elf culture." When advertising during the holiday season, stick to the culture of your business and product. Users will thank you for staying true to your beliefs, rather than simply following a trend. When a customer finds a product that is like no other, they tend to be buyers for life, and that’s the end goal when advertising!

Elf Christmas GIF from Elf GIFs

7. Don’t be like the Santa imposter and “sit on a throne of lies!” Holiday digital marketing can be difficult to make yourself stand out amongst the thousands of other products fighting for attention, however, lying about a product is never appropriate. Feature your business's best selling items and their greatest features to be attention-grabbing, rather than stretching the truth and having to deal with the negative Google reviews later! Pro tip: Take a second to skim through your competitors reviews, comments, and complaints, then turn around and utilize this information as reasonings in why consumers should buy your product instead!


8. “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?” Red Shark Digital marketing agency Greenville NC has found that asking questions and interacting with your customers like Buddy, are great ways to boost organic traffic, help your digital advertising tactics grow, and your business stay popular. Everyone has experienced dreadful customer service and response times when trying to communicate with businesses during the holidays. Keeping yourself available via all platforms will give your customers peace of mind, and will have your brand stay front of mind when thinking about their customer journey. One positive experience can turn a single purchase into a lifetime consumer.


9. “OW! Son of a nutcracker!” If a marketing tactic doesn’t turn out the way you had hoped, don’t let a snowball effect hit you in the face! Now is the time to take note of what was and was not successful in terms of marketing ideas and begin preparing for next year!


10. Once the stressful yet successful holiday shopping season is over, be sure to say “You did it! Congratulations!” You made it through, and now it’s time to prepare for the new year! If the holidays made you realize that digitally marketing and advertising your business isn’t your cup of tea (or two liter of Coca-Cola) don’t worry – Red Shark Digital marketing agency Greenville NC is here to help!


Elf-evate Your Holiday Marketing with Red Shark Digital

This year, you aren’t alone in hoping that the holiday season will elevate your business and start the new year out stronger than before. Many businesses and marketers are looking forward to the season more than ever, and to start the new year off on the right foot, including us! To do so, allow the marketing team at Red Shark Digital marketing agency to take your business into our hands.


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