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The Biggest Digital Marketing Mistakes

November 12, 2021
August 8, 2023

The Biggest Digital Marketing Mistakes

Red Shark Digital

The importance of utilizing digital marketing to promote your business only continues to become more important in today’s technology-driven world.  There are many common mistakes that businesses make every day in regard to their digital marketing efforts and you could be making them as well.  If your company often makes these mistakes you are probably not seeing the results you had hoped for.  Here are just a few common mistakes in digital marketing that are hurting your company, as well as tips on how to avoid them in order to be more successful.

Ineffective Website

Many businesses fail to see improvement simply because their website is not user-friendly.  If a customer attempts to access your website and it is either too slow or difficult to navigate, they are more than likely going to leave it and search for another company.  

According to research, 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take over 3 seconds to load.  This statistic shows the value of having a website that is efficient and effective. Another important factor that many companies fail to consider when creating a website is how easily users are able to view your site on a mobile device.  Most users are accessing websites through their phones, which makes this factor extremely important. If you are looking to develop a website and need help, Red Shark Digital can help you build the perfect site for your company.  Located in Raleigh and Greenville, North Carolina, the team at Red Shark Digital is award-winning and ready to help you get back on track.    

Failing to Add New Content

In order for your company to remain relevant and maximize your search engine optimization, it is key to continuously add content to your website. You often see companies post content when they initially create their website; however, after that, they fail to keep it up to date. Outdated information and lack of new content have a large impact on declining SEO. To boost your SEO, you should be posting new, original content multiple times a week, if not every day.  If you are looking to add more content to your website, but don’t have the time, Red Shark Digital can create personalized content for you.  Your company's rankings on Google are going to improve when your posts contain keywords and information that your users are searching for.  

Poor Planning

It can be very easy for a busy company to unintentionally leave marketing tasks on the back burner.  Many companies have a surplus of marketing activity when they first start out; however, over time they begin to decline.  If you have a marketing plan in place for your brand you are far more likely to follow through with the tasks rather than leaving it up to chance.  Consistent posting and branding activities are key to a successful business and a plan is going to keep you on track. Another benefit of having a plan is that your users can anticipate when you are going to post and keep up with your company.  If you feel that social media calendars can be time-consuming and difficult to construct, learn more about Red Shark Digital and how they can take these tasks off your hands.

It is clear to see that no matter what kind of business you run, digital marketing is key to being successful.  Mistakes like these are made every day by companies looking to boost their brand, but the good news is that there is a digital marketing company eager to help. Red Shark Digital is looking for new clients to help and share their knowledge with.  Learn more about how you can improve your business and what they can do for you.

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