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Waze Local: The New Way to Put your Business on the Map

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Waze Local: The New Way to Put your Business on the Map

Red Shark Digital

Are you looking for a new way to reach consumers through local advertisements? You can now reach local drivers near your business by advertising on the Waze app. Waze is the world’s largest community-based traffic and navigation app, with 100 million active users who spend an average of 11 hours per month in the app. With the introduction of Waze Local, you can reach drivers nearby, the map-based ads are aimed primarily at small business and franchises.

So Why Use Waze for Local Advertising?

Well with Waze Local you can target drivers who are on the go near your business location with a meaningful local ad experience. If you were to utilize Waze Local you would be able to track in real-time since Waze is a digital app, you will be able to know exactly how many potential customers engaged with your ads. Waze is also designed to be simple to buy and set up, with as little as $2/day and no commitment. Waze Local also features three ad units:

Branded Pin: The Branded Pin is like a store sign. It pins information and reminds drivers that your business is on or near their route.

Promoted Search: The location(s) of your business will be promoted to the top of the search results and will include your brand logo.

Zero-Speed Takeover: The Zero-Speed Takeover is a digital billboard. It is shown when drivers are at a complete stop; however, it is only available to Waze Local Plus users.

How it Works

Once you indicate your business type and the location, you will be able to see how your ad looks in real time. Beyond the ads themselves, there are two primary offerings to choose from that feature different pricing for different segments: “Starter” and “Plus”. A starter is for businesses with fewer than 10 locations, and businesses can pay $2 per day (or more). Plus is for businesses with up to 50 locations, and its roughly $100 per day at minimum. Plus also offers live support, whereas Starter does not. Accordingly, Waze will report:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Navigations
  • Call and URL information
  • Info Button Clicks

Plus users get additional metrics and reporting.

Waze Local is a great way to get drivers to see your ad and learn more about your business. While using Waze Local drivers near your location can now see your ad and click on it to view more information. During the beta test, Waze Local ended up driving an average 20 percent increase in navigations to the businesses buying ads.

If you are looking for a new way to advertise or to create brand awareness, Waze Local could be perfect for you. With Waze, you will be able to optimize your ad campaigns quickly and easily. So, don’t wait to get ahead of the digital trend today and put your business on the map.

Are you ready to make the jump into Waze Local? If so, contact the pros at Red Shark Digital and we can help you advertise your local business today!

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