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Understanding YouTube Advertising Services

May 26, 2022
September 27, 2023

Understanding YouTube Advertising Services

Red Shark Digital

How do successful businesses know where to market and advertise their products and services to get the best bang for their marketing dollars? Most business owners feel that every time they turn around, they’re being bombarded with a new digital platform or tactic that marketing insiders are telling them to try. If generating leads is your main marketing goal and you are not already marketing your business on Youtube advertising services, then that’s a good place to start. Still not convinced that you can handle the challenge in-house? When it comes to choosing the best, most knowledgable agency for digital advertising near me, look no further than Red Shark Digital for marketing solutions that work. Here are a few reasons why your business should be taking advantage of the Youtube advertising services we offer to our clients:

Your Audience Is There

According to Forbes, YouTube has more than 1.9 billion monthly active users, so it’s very likely that your audience will already be using the platform. Just like Google for search, users rely on YouTube to get entertainment or further educate themselves through uploaded videos. We already know that they are prepared to spend their time on the platform, so taking advantage of YouTube’s advertising services to reach your preferred audience is a no-brainer! 

Choosing The Correct Video Ads For Your Campaign

So you’re ready to add Youtube advertising services to your marketing budget, but wow, there are a lot of options you didn’t consider until now. Depending on your overall goals, you can use different ad formats on YouTube. These ad formats are:

  • Skippable in-stream ads
  • Non-skippable in-stream ads
  • Bumper ads
  • In-feed video ads
  • Masthead ads
  • Responsive display ads

For Top-Rated Digital Advertising Near Me, Call Red Shark

If you are feeling overwhelmed with all of these video advertising options, leave it to the marketing pros at Red Shark Digital to lead you through the process of reaching your future customers through YouTube advertising services. For marketing that works, give us a call today!

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