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Trick or Treat Yourself to These 5 Spooky Splines

Trick or Treat Yourself to These 5 Spooky Splines

October 31, 2023
October 31, 2023

Trick or Treat Yourself to These 5 Spooky Splines

Aron Daniels

With the Halloween season upon us, there's no better time to dive into the world of 3D design and unlock the secrets behind crafting hauntingly beautiful graphics. In this blog post, we're about to embark on a creative journey that's sure to send shivers down your spine. We'll delve into the art of crafting Halloween-themed 3D graphics and unveil five spine-tingling creations from talented designers that will leave you in awe.

Spline offers diverse interactive options, and Halloween is the perfect opportunity to build some quirky creations and show off the fun side of 3D work. I have taken some time to look through the Community space on Spline, and below are five of my favorites. Way to go, creators!

Halloween Spline Environments

  • Pumpkin Bulldozer by Jeff McAvoy
  • Coffin 2.0 - With Skill Crossbones by Waldo
  • Happy Halloween by Sanny.verkssen
  • Helloween by Elif
  • The Orb Hand by vexus
A skeleton character drives a Pumpkin Bulldozer to corral pumpkins.
“A skeleton character drives a Pumpkin Bulldozer to corral pumpkins.”
Image Source:, 2023.
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Pumpkin Bulldozer by Jeff McAvoy

Pumpkin Bulldozer is simple but really satisfying. This little guy has game controls integrated into the design, and a user bulldozes a bunch of pumpkins into a fenced-in area. That’s the whole thing. It’s funny and weird, and you better believe I played it until all ‘dem pumpkins were in that fence. You won’t be able to stop. Great job Jeff.

A coffin lid decorated with a skull and crossbones floats from the body of the brown wooden coffin.
“A coffin lid decorated with a skull and crossbones floats from the body of the brown wooden coffin.” Image Source:, 2023.
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Coffin 2.0 - With Skull Crossbones by Waldo

Next on our list is this Coffin 2.0 by Waldo. Firstly, this one has a comforting appearance with the materials and lighting. At first, that’s all that it seems to be, but when you click on the lid, it comes off and begins an animation. The coffin lid lifts and begins a slow spin. When you click it, it spins the other way. The environment is simple, but it feels complete. A little touch of animation where it’s unexpected.

A glowing object lights up surrounding grave tombstones.
“A glowing object lights up surrounding grave tombstones.” Image Source:, 2023.
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Happy Halloween by sanny.verkssen

This Halloween Spline environment is so aesthetically pleasing to me. It’s dark and moody in all the right ways for a Halloween creation. With dim lighting and some beautiful environment choices, this one gives me the creeps. A ghost replaces each curse with a “ghosted” follow as you move the mouse around, shining a luminous glow as long as you move. The ghost is the light source and creates captivating shadows as it moves along the tombstones and trees. The combination of following commands, lighting amplified while in motion, and dimming effects as you move from the cemetery make Happy Halloween stand out on an execution level. Sanny, you are my Halloween Hero.

Two playful animated ghosts float around pumpkins, a tombstone, and bats.
“Two playful animated ghosts float around pumpkins, a tombstone, and bats.”
Image source:, 2023.
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Helloween by Elif

Helloween stands apart from the others in the level of performance that it is. As you enter this environment, the camera is in motion while many elements are individually animating on a loop. The creator effectively transports you to an immersive experience. This little “island” is a perfect bite-size piece of Halloween that offers an enjoyable experience. Reaching for my popcorn.

An illuminated hand hovers around a floating pearlescent orb.
“An illuminated hand hovers around a floating pearlescent orb.” Image Source:, 2023.
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The Orb Hand by vexus

While not specially geared as a Halloween creation, you can’t tell me this doesn’t give you all the spooky fortune-teller vibes you want for Halloween. This creepy creation has vibrant colors with lots of subtle gradients and lighting choices. The Orb Hand brings home the gold for its realism. Those hands are art, and how they blend with the lighting makes this environment a strong contender for our NC marketing agency.

Trick or Treat Yourself to Spooky Splines This Halloween

Spline is definitely capable of creating some very varied designs, and I know you will find your own visual style to create a unique experience. I hope you will try to craft some spooky visuals to celebrate Halloween and be inspired by these masterful 3D pieces. Involve some quirkiness, gameplay, killer environments, individualized animations, tell a story by animating the camera, and round it out with moody lighting. Have a great Halloween.

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