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Three Facebook Ad Types to Improve Sales

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Three Facebook Ad Types to Improve Sales

Abby Costello

Sales are down and you are looking for a solution that can increase sales quickly so you turn to Facebook to create social media ads when you are presented with a multitude of ad formats. Instead of guessing which format will work and increase your sales, I have put together a list of three ad formats guaranteed to increase your sales in as little time as possible. Before I get started, one thing to note is that you're only as good as your creative, while these ad types lead to increases in sales, you will also need eye-catching creatives for these formats to work properly. So without further ado, let's dive into the three Facebook ad types to improve sales.

Round and Round like a Carousel

Carousel ads are becoming more popular daily with every large retailer using them to showcase a variety of products in their social advertising. Essentially a carousel ad is an ad that allows you to add up to 10 images that a Facebook user can swipe through to find the product they are looking for. Carousel ads are great to use to raise brand awareness and showcase the variety of services you offer. One thing to keep in mind with a carousel ad is that they almost always perform better when there is a promo code included. Some advertisers choose to only place the code on the last slide of the carousel, however, to ensure you do not lose a user to their feed, we recommend including the promo code on the first slide or even in the heading paragraph of the ad.

Slide, Slide, Slide

One of the newest ad options that can turn your sales numbers upside down is the slideshow ad format. Like a carousel, the slideshow option allows you to showcase a variety of imagery to convey your products to the end user. What makes slideshow ads different, and in my opinion more feasible, is that with a slideshow ad, all of your images are placed into a video form that you can then add music and effects too. Not only are the slideshow ads more visually appealing, but they tend to have a higher engagement rate than your traditional carousel ad. You can even mix things up and string together video and images for a fully immersive advertising experience.

Video Killed the Static Image

It's no secret that static images are a thing of the past with video dominating the digital space in 2018. That's why video rounds off my top three ad formats to increase sales. Video allows you to dive deeper into your product's appearance and features while helping users making a connection with your brand (depending on the creative). With video growing so rapidly, Facebook is even adding in ad breaks to help advertisers reach even more users. Let's be honest if Facebook is even projecting video to be the future of advertising you may want to jump on board before you're late to the party.

Well, there ya have it, three Facebook ad formats to help you increase your sales numbers. Say goodbye to the days of feeling overwhelmed when starting a Facebook campaign. Now you have the tools and knowledge needed to ensure that your social advertising campaigns are high converting and lead to your best sales month yet!

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