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The Rumor Mill: Facebook TV

The Rumor Mill: Facebook TV

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

The Rumor Mill: Facebook TV

Red Shark Digital

Someone fire up the rumor mill because today we have a big one for ya. According to reports by Cheddar, Facebook is in the works of developing a connected TV device that comes equipped with a camera and would allow users to have video calls from the television, along with streaming their favorite content, checking their Facebook page, and even broadcasting Facebook Watch! Coined internally as project "Ripley," this new connected TV device could be a game changer for the average consumer and marketers alike. Now to get into why you should care and look forward to this new device's release.

Consumer Standpoint

From the consumer side of things, Facebook having its own connected TV device could make our lives much easier. I mean how awesome would it be to be able to access all of the content you love on a big screen in one place. We could browse our Facebook feeds, and hopefully Instagram as well. Personally, I hope with this device, Facebook is able to take the best aspects of its competitors (Apple TV, Roku, and Chromecast) to create one badass device that isn't limited to what's on a particular app store. As many of the major networks use Facebook to connect with their key audiences, Facebook could have an edge over its competitors when it comes to securing the best content online.

Marketers Rejoice!

So if you're a marketer or a business reading along, I'm sure you're wondering why you should care about yet another connected device. However, this one really could change the way you advertise your business. As you may or may not already know, connected TV devices do host a slew of advertising options, however, these options often operate on a higher CPM than most other advertising options with CPMs reaching close to $100 in certain competitive and populated marketers. With Facebook's new connected device, marketers could have the opportunity to use Facebook TV placement on their campaigns for no additional cost. If Facebook is smart, they would offer these placements at a mid pricing structure where their CPMs come in between that of traditional connected TV devices and that of your typical social video campaign. I for one, am extremely intrigued by what Facebook TV could offer in the realm of advertising and cannot wait to see what is to come.

When Can You Expect to See the Device?

While there has yet to be an official release date or announcement regarding "Ripley" and it's official name, rumor has it, we can expect this new technology to launch in Spring of 2019! Are you excited to see what Facebook's device will offer? What features do you hope will be included with the device?

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