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One-Up Your Competitors' Content Marketing Strategy

One-Up Your Competitors' Content Marketing Strategy

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

One-Up Your Competitors' Content Marketing Strategy

Abby Costello

Are you a new brand working on developing a content marketing strategy? Before you dive headfirst into planning, you should first check out your competitors. Finding out what works (and what doesn’t) for your competitors will help you gain useful knowledge about the type of content your audience may desire to satisfy their wants and needs. Here’s what you should do to stay ahead of the competition:

Get Email Updates

By signing up to your competitors’ email lists, you can learn more about their seasonal campaigns, business news, culture, types of content, and the frequency in which content is published. You will also learn how your competitors address their target audiences. Subscribe using a personal email address, or one that does not include your company name.

Analyze Video Content

Video is an integral part of many brands’ content marketing strategy. Check to see if your competitors are using video and look for interactions like views, comments, and shares. When planning your own content marketing strategy, look towards your competitors’ engagement. See which videos have the most views and evaluate the keywords in the title and description. Subscribe to their channels to be notified when new videos are posted.

Social Media Presence

Monitor your competitors’ activities on social media by turning on notifications for any updates that may be posted. This will help you get a good idea of the tone of their posts, the images they use, and the effectiveness of their social media strategy. If you notice that a certain type of content gets high engagement, consider using a similar approach.

Identify Keywords

Selecting the right keywords for your content will increase the chances of your website appearing in online searches. Monitor your competitors’ keywords to find which ones are driving traffic and have less competition. This way, you can find related keywords to target with your content.

Competitors’ Websites

Keep an eye on your competitors’ websites or blogs for changes in messaging or design. Evaluate their overall content experience, like the fonts and colors they use on their site and how they organize content. Get familiar with how your competitors deliver content and find ways to give your audience a better experience.

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