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Marketing Minute: Keyword Search Retargeting

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Marketing Minute: Keyword Search Retargeting

Red Shark Digital

Target by keyword. Search retargeting targets user audiences based on previous keyword searches they have conducted on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing (aka marketing to those who are searching for your products and services). This strategy works great by aligning users search engine marketing (SEM) and display advertising, mixing the power of intent with repeated brand exposure.

So, How Does It Work?

Search retargeting is similar in working mechanics to retargeting because you only show a display advertisement to users after they have taken a specific action. As users perform searches across the web, we collect data associated with those searches. Based on the keywords they have searched, we show your ad to those who have performed searches relevant to your products and services. We are able to get this data from vertical search engines and second-tier search engines, individual publishers who have incoming search traffic on their properties, as well as domainers with search relevant domain traffic.

Not only is search retargeting a great tactic, but it is able to help plug the holes in SEM campaigns and build a bridge with a client’s display advertisement strategy. Here at Red Shark Digital we can take your keyword search retargeting to the next level, contact us to learn more!

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