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Marketing for CBD

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Marketing for CBD

Alaina Corsini

As the CBD market continues to expand its way into the US, it leaves promising ideas for cannabis in the marketing world. The market for CBD is booming at a crazy rate, with an expected reach of 16.32 billion by 2026 (Global News Wire). Although this leaves promising growth for new business, it also leaves us pondering this uncharted territory in the digital realm. With FDA complaints or policies on social platforms, the ability to navigate around these restrictions and limitations is vital. This cannabis craze is here in full force and how to advertise well on the internet will determine business success in a billion-dollar market.

Cannabidiol, known as (CBD), is a molecule derived directly from the hemp plant. Although one of the naturally occurring cannabinoids in cannabis, CBD does not cause psychoactive symptoms (Harvard). This aspect of CBD has caused it to become a popular option for those seeking pain relief without mind-altering symptoms from marijuana or other prescription drugs. Multiple scientific studies have shown promising results of cannabidiol and its potential in the treatment of a number of diseases. CBD in medical applications, supplements, beverages, and skin care have thus become the primary products driving this booming market. With 40% of U.S. adults interested in trying CBD (PR Newswire), this leaves cannabis businesses with promising agendas and potential new audiences to engage with. However, a rapidly growing market ensures constant competition with new companies joining the game every day. This means now more than ever, CBD companies must know how to market their product and create a name for themselves in the digital world. Here are our top 3 tips from Red Shark to elevate your business and take your course in the cannabis industry to the highest peak.

Ensure Trust With Your Customers

One of the most vital components to any business is its customers, and the CBD industry is no different. Ensuring and nurturing trust with your customers will prevail you above the rest of your competitors. Due to the federal legalization of the hemp plant being fairly recent, there are many people still weary of its uses and benefits. To grow and maintain a strong customer base, CBD businesses must be transparent with their buyers and what goes into their product. With almost 70% of the CBD on the market being mislabeled, customers are looking for brands they can trust to ensure they are consuming a quality product. Consumers of cannabinoid frequently look at where and how the hemp was grown, processed and manufactured. Third party testing, the taste, and the value of the price vs. the potency of the product are also factors cannabis connoisseurs take into account. Companies like Sprightly CBD,  sell products made in the USA, are locally sourced in North Carolina and  third party lab tested. Remaining truthful to your consumers will develop loyalty ties to your brand, improve overall satisfaction, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Utilize Paid Advertising

The domestic consumer interest in products containing CBD is booming, and the top place for people to search for more information is on the internet. After establishing your brand, and nurturing trust with your customers the next step is to put forth your business’ advertising and marketing efforts. However, there are major limitations to online advertising that must be navigated through the industry’s top platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bing and Google have been slow to catch up with the legality of CBD and adjust its policies accordingly. The strict limitations to these platforms  regularly limit or disapprove the ads published by CBD entrepreneurs. However, although there are restrictions within paid advertising, it is possible and necessary to successfully market your business. The landing page is vital to the campaign’s success, use a domain removing any mention of ‘CBD’  from your website. Create ads without mentioning the term ‘CBD’ in the ad copy, but instead talking around the product. Within the ad, strive to explain your brand to users and the differentiations that set you apart from your cannabis competitors. The ability to market effectively through paid advertising in conjunction with other tactics is essential to advance in the CBD market.

SEO & Sharable Content

With difficult restrictions around paid advertising, CBD businesses must utilize alternative marketing strategies to advance their reach in the digital world. Although paid advertising is a key component to any digital marketing plan, SEO proves a viable opportunity for cannabis companies to further increase brand awareness.  New users and veterans of CBD frequent the internet for answers to their cannabis questions, typically answered through blogs or question forums. Establishing an effective SEO strategy will put forth your company as a leader in the CBD industry and improve brand recognition. In addition to SEO, establishing relationships with brand representatives and creating shareable content will increase overall web presence. Working with influencers, utilizing hashtags, and engaging with followers are simple examples of alternative digital tactics to improve your overall marketing strategy.

Now more than ever, the ability for CBD companies to be able to market their product in their digital world is vital for business success. At Red Shark Digital, we strive to help our clients navigate this foreign territory in CBD with strategies for digital marketing including paid advertising, content creation and SEO in Greenville, NC.

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