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Don’t Be a Cinderella: Digital Marketing In Greenville NC

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Don’t Be a Cinderella: Digital Marketing In Greenville NC

Red Shark Digital

Understanding the importance of digital marketing in Greenville NC can be tricky for beginners. Luckily, it’s a straightforward concept that can be understood better when compared to stories we know and love. In the story of Cinderella, Prince Charming searches for her using the glass slipper she left behind. He makes every girl try on the glass slipper looking for the perfect fit until he finally reaches Cinderella. Without proper digital marketing, you’re expecting the customer to have the same time and energy dedicated to trying out the glass slipper on every single prospect in town to find the right fit. Most customers don’t have the dedication to comb through every possible business looking for the perfect fit. Using tools like retargeting and search engine optimization will pull your business out of the glass slipper abyss.

Understanding SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of using keywords throughout sections of your site to direct traffic towards it. Without SEO for Greenville, NC help your customers are not likely to find your business, and the customers that do find it will probably not be your target audience. Imagine how much easier it would have been if Cinderella could have walked up to Prince Charming the next day and explained it was her. Working on SEO can present your business to your target audience as a perfect fit, without them having to scroll to the tenth page of their Google search results (we all know they’re not likely to scroll past the first page of results). By using keywords that your target audience is searching for, you can position your business to come up as a top search result for those specific words.


Retargeting is another way to quickly advertise straight to your target audience. Imagine if Prince Charming had come to Cinderella’s house, but she didn’t get to try on the glass slipper. He came close to finding the perfect fit, but if she didn’t reach out he might not come back again! Retargeting is an easy way to be more successful at digital marketing in Greenville NC. It is the process of advertising to people who have previously visited your site. This will be advertisements to people who have already been interested enough to visit the site at least once. An extra push to come back again might be all it takes for them to consider your business as a serious option.

Happily Ever After With Digital Marketing Greenville NC

Now more than ever, an online presence is needed for businesses to be successful. However, a website won’t do your business any good if it can’t be found! Red Shark Digital Agency specializes in digital marketing Greenville NC. Our agency can pull your business to the front and show your target audience that the glass slipper is a perfect fit!

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