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How Will Facebook’s Recent Targeting Updates Affect Social Campaigns?

May 9, 2022
September 27, 2023

How Will Facebook’s Recent Targeting Updates Affect Social Campaigns?

Red Shark Digital

When it comes to running paid ads on Facebook, the rules to do so without getting flagged or rejected are ever-changing. In their recent update that took effect in early 2022, Facebook made it even more difficult to target specific audiences on their advertising platform by updating the Detailed Targeting options. These options previously allowed marketers to refine the group of people who see ads based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Some of the detailed targeting options that were once available are now removed, and the folks at Facebook are well-aware that this change could negatively impact some businesses and organizations who rely heavily on their ads to market themselves. Before you ask Siri to search for a Facebook ads expert near me, Red Shark Digital marketing agency in Greenville NC is here to share a few insights to relieve some of your worries about the most recent changes, as well as some quick solutions you can implement within your targeting tactics on social media.

What Exactly Changed?

As of January 19th, Facebook removed a number of detailed targeting options that relate to topics people may perceive as sensitive. These options include references to the following:

  • causes
  • organizations
  • public figures

In particular, Facebook removed these topics in relation to health, race/ethnicity, political affiliation, religion, and sexual orientation. Facebook  points out that the former interest targeting options were not based on people’s physical characteristics or personal attributes. Instead, Facebook focused on elements such as people’s interactions with content on the platform.

Solutions To Continue Reaching Your Desired Audience

Luckily, Facebook offers plenty of other targeting options to help brands reach specific groups and improve their social media marketing outcomes. Here are some of the best strategies the Facebook experts near me at Red Shark Digital, marketing agency in Greenville NC, recommend trying:

  • Broad Targeting - When utilizing Broad Targeting, marketers rely on Facebook’s delivery system. This system helps get your ads in front of people who are most likely to invest in your products or services based on general topics.
  • Custom Audiences - This feature allows you to find existing audiences among people who are already using Facebook. Custom Audiences utilizes sources like customer lists, website traffic, app traffic, and Facebook engagement.
  • Lookalike Audiences - Facebook creates Lookalike Audiences from existing audiences; this feature helps to optimize audience reach and get ads in front of potential audiences.
  • Location Targeting - This feature reaches people in the vicinity of a business’s brick and mortar store or within the radius of their shipping capabilities for online-based businesses.

Red Shark Digital, Your Go-To Facebook Ads Expert Near Me

The silver lining in the recent targeting update is that now your competitors can no longer target your organizations’ audience and followers. Embrace this change, because after all, it is affecting everyone. If you’re still stressing out about how you’re going to handle this recent Facebook advertising update, don’t hesitate to contact the Facebook ads experts at the leading marketing agency in Greenville NC, Red Shark Digital, today!

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