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How to Curve Text In Illustrator

How to Curve Text In Illustrator

June 16, 2022
May 1, 2023

How to Curve Text In Illustrator

There are multiple ways to go about learning how to curve text in Illustrator. In today’s blog, our creative services Greenville NC team is going to show you some of our favorite methods of creating curved text. Learning more about how to use Adobe Illustrator is elemental to building your design toolkit. Red Shark Digital’s creative services near me, we’re equipped with the latest techniques and strategies to take your design skills to the next level! Ready to learn about how to curve text in Illustrator? Read on.

Method 1: The Warp Effect

1. First, select the text layer you want to curve.

2. Now, navigate to the menu bar located at the top of your window and select “Effect.” Next, locate and hover over “Warp.” you will then see another drop-down that lists the various warp effects Illustrator has to offer. The effect our creative services Greenville NC designers will be choosing is the “Arc” effect.

3. Once selected, you will see a panel named “Warp Options.” This is key to understanding how to curve text in Illustrator. Here, you will fine-tune your warp. Users have the option to change the warp from horizontal to vertical; and even the orientation of the warp on a horizontal and vertical axis.

Method 2: Type on a Path Tool

1. The second method of how to curve text in Illustrator is by using the “Type On A Path” tool.First, add a circle to our canvas but with no fill, only a stroke/outline.

2. Now, navigate to the “Type” tool in the toolbar. Select and hold until the additional type of tools appears. Next, select the “Type on a Path Tool.”

3. With that selected, hover over the stroked circle in your canvas and click once. Now you can start typing inside the circle.

4. Once you have filled the circle with the text desired, you can grab the lines at the beginning and end of your text to adjust and rotate your text within the circle.

Method 3: Envelope Distort

1. For our final example of how to curve text in Illustrator, our creative services Greenville NC team will show you how to create an Envelope Distort. Navigate to your menu bar located at the top of your window and select “object.” Next, locate and hover over “envelope distort.” A panel will appear with various options, but the option that our creative services near me will be using today is “Make with Mesh”.

2. A window will appear labeled “Envelope Mesh.” Here is where you will assign how many editable sections you want your mesh to have. We aren’t using specific settings, so feel free to experiment with the values you choose to use.

3. Once applied, you can now start direct selecting each anchor point of your mesh to manipulate your text.

4. This method of how to curve text in Illustrator allows room for more abstract results. It also allows the user more freedom to fine-tune the curvature and warping effect that is being applied to the text layer.

Red Shark Digital | Creative Services Greenville NC

Knowing how to curve text in Illustrator is a useful tip for any designer, and our team of designers that make up our creative services near me  encourages taking the time to experiment with the values in all of the methods that our creative services Greenville NC shared to see how far you can take these methods of how to curve text in Illustrator. For more tips on how to use Adobe Illustrator, along with other design tips from the leader in creative services Greenville NC, head to our website.

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