Currently accepting inquiries for Webflow Websites and SEO Projects for Q3.

CBD E-Commerce Webflow Website - Sprightly CBD

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

CBD E-Commerce Webflow Website - Sprightly CBD

Alaina Corsini

With the CBD industry on the rise, it was only a matter of time before Red Shark Digital was approached by a CBD startup to become their marketing partner. Sprightly CBD, located in Wilmington, North Carolina was just that client. They trusted us with their brand’s identity, messaging, physical and online presence. Sprightly CBD offers a premium line of CBD oils and creams that are organically made and sourced here in Eastern North Carolina. With a mission to support high-quality, all-natural CBD, Sprightly guarantees the best CBD in North Carolina. Stay youthful, live spirited, feel relief.

Website: Visit Sprightly CBD here

CBD E-commerce Webflow Website

Red Shark Digital is proud to announce the launch of a newly designed CBD E-commerce Webflow website for hemp experts, Sprightly CBD. The new site for Sprightly CBD was designed in Figma, and highlights the modernized design of the ever-changing hemp industry. Building a CBD E-commerce store on Webflow provided its challenges. Webflow’s native payment gateway is Stripe, who has a policy against acquiring high-risk clients. Since selling CBD is considered a high-risk business, Stripe would not work for our specific needs. Alternatively, we turned to utilizing Square. Square is able to provide everything you need to manage your online CBD store. The challenge was to connect our beautifully designed Webflow site to our Square Marketplace. Foxy.IO proved to be the perfect tool for connecting the two. Foxy’s hosted cart & payment page allows you to sell anything, using your existing website or platform.

This E-commerce CBD website provides access to shop all Sprightly CBD products as well as educating customers on the benefits and uses of CBD.  Priding itself on quality, Sprightly CBD brings a golden standard to premium CBD oil. Their oils and topical salve are made from organically grown, third-party lab-tested, North Carolina hemp with sources in trusted Eastern NC farmers. With a 100% satisfaction guarantee, Sprightly CBD elevates the CBD market to the highest standard.

Services Provided:

  • Identity Design
  • Label & Packaging Design
  • Photo/Video Production
  • Web Design/Development
  • Copywriting & Messaging
  • Paid Advertising

Team Members Involved:

  • Web Design/Project Management: Spencer Bunting
  • Branding: Matt Wagner
  • Content Creation: Christian Jester
  • Copywriting: Abby McVeigh
  • E-commerce Web Development: Mike Fenwick
  • Paid Advertising: Alaina Corsini

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