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The 411 on Social Media Video Marketing

November 12, 2021
September 27, 2023

The 411 on Social Media Video Marketing

Red Shark Digital

Everyone knows that marketing your business on social media is a must these days, but knowing how to utilize social media platforms appropriately for your brand will be the most effective way to put your business on top when it comes to social platforms. There’s a lot to consider when creating videos specifically for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: How will you grab your viewer’s attention within the first few seconds, how will you use the appropriate verbiage to make your audience understand your message, and most importantly, what will your video consist of that makes viewers stick around for the entire duration of the video? The key to creating effective digital marketing videos for social media is to craft ads that will make viewers want to watch the entire video. The optimal video length on each platform varies, so it is important that you understand how each of them is different to get the most out of your digital marketing Greenville NC. Red Shark Digital is a firm believer that video is the key component when marketing on social media - here are a few video length tips regarding each specific platform:


When scrolling through Facebook it is obvious that photos and videos are taking over, so it is crucial that your video marketing ads stand out among the others. Facebook allows videos to last up to 240 minutes, but that is clearly way too long for a video ad. Red Shark Digital marketing Greenville NC suggests that the optimal video length for an ad is less than a minute long, and under 20 seconds for a Facebook story. This will not only promote business awareness, but it will also maximize conversions to your page or website because viewers are more likely to watch the entire video before scrolling further.


Instagram is a whole different ballgame when it comes to video ads for digital marketing Greenville NC. As we all know, Instagram is nothing but photos and videos in stories and on your feed, so the appropriate duration is vital when it comes to video. For stories, the maximum length is 15 seconds per slide, so we at Red Shark Digital recommend having no more than 7 slides. Each slide should have a single clear message or goal and your fully assembled story should include a clear hook and call to action (CTA). Grid videos, which appear as posts on your feed, can be 60 seconds long which is a good length for your video ads. For these, be sure to pick a thumbnail that will make your video stand out when viewing your entire grid/profile. IGTV can be up to 10 minutes long, but we recommend videos be 2-5 minutes because again, the idea is to get viewers to watch the entire video. These will offer your viewers more information than you can include in a simple video ad, but you want to make sure not to overload your audience with too much info.


Twitter is known most for its simplicity as users are limited to only 280 characters per tweet, so it is important to keep that in mind when using it for video marketing. The maximum video length on this platform is 140 seconds, but Red Shark Digital recommends optimal video length to be no more than 45 seconds. This may not seem like enough time, but videos should be kept short and sweet because that’s what Twitter is all about.

Red Shark Digital Marketing Greenville NC

Red Shark Digital is a Greenville NC digital marketing agency that takes video marketing on social media to the next level. We can help you to reach your target audience through the use of video marketing, meeting all of your company's needs on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and beyond. Contact us today to learn more about digital marketing Greenville NC!

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