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Thanksgiving From The Social Eye

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Thanksgiving From The Social Eye

Red Shark Digital

As we move through the holiday season, phones are being whipped out more and more to document every second as it slips by. More importantly, we use social media to show everyone else what we’re doing during those Holiday moments. Here at Red Shark Digital, we’re no different. We’ve combed through the Thanksgiving Day to showcase how the day goes socially….

Wake Up!! It’s time for an easy breakfast while enjoying the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television. During this moment we’re posting on Facebook about how thankful we are for this day of rest and family.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

We’re still relaxing. Now we’re on our second cup of coffee and mom’s in the kitchen preparing for the dinner. Meanwhile, we’ve got Snapchat rolling as we pretend our 9-year-old pooch is in the Purina National Dog Show.

Some of us in the office have the tradition to set up Christmas decorations during the afternoon of Thanksgiving. So at home we’re having a hoot laughing at Dad getting tangled in the lights so of course we have to go to Twitter about the moment-to-moment updates on how many of Mom’s ornaments he’s crushed.

Family’s Coming Around the Driveway! As family members come through the front door, Mom’s still panicking in the kitchen because the rolls burned. We’re back on Snapchat getting the selfies with cousins we haven’t seen all year.

We’re all around the table and parents made a ‘no cell phone at the table’ policy. But don’t worry, we got an artistic Instagram post up of our place setting we helped with before the policy went into action.

Thanksgiving Instagram

Lastly we’re posting back on Facebook about our lovely day with Family. Maybe a cute photo we snapped with our sister to share across all mediums. We might even get in on Facebook Live to share what everyone is thankful for across our family. As the family leaves and the house quiets back down, Mom passes out on the couch and Dad cleans the kitchen. We’re back on Social Media checking out everyone else’s Thanksgiving documentation.

Here at Red Shark Digital we’re thankful for everyone in the office, the air of creativity, the ability to write fun blogs like this, and the openness to work as a team to create the best for our clients. We hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and Holiday Season.

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