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Shopping in Instagram Stories & Explore

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Shopping in Instagram Stories & Explore

Red Shark Digital

Earlier this year Instagram announced that shopping was going to be implemented into their Instagram stories platform. Months later, there was a slow rollout of a feature that only large businesses could take advantage of. Shopping on a mobile device is nothing new, and Instagram is working with businesses to revolutionize the way we as consumers shop for apparel, accessories, and more. Are you ready to learn how you can increase your overall revenue by utilizing Instagram? Keep reading to discover the two new features that are now available globally for users and businesses alike.

Story Shopping

This one is nothing new, but now the shopping tag for Instagram stories is available for businesses and advertisers around the globe! This feature allows accounts that have a product feed implemented into their account to tag products in images and users will be able to tap the tag and be taken straight to the products listing online so they can make their purchase. During the test, Instagram reports that there were more than 90 million accounts that tapped on the illustrious shopping bag icon!

Explore Shopping

Based off of the data from the engagement within the shopping tags on Instagram stories, Instagram is now launching a new feature under it explore page! When you navigate to the "explore" page you will begin to notice that you may have a shopping category across the top. This new category is a collection of posts that allow you to shop directly from the post that Instagram thinks you would be interested in based off of what type of content you are engaging with on the platform! This is extremely convenient for all of the late night QVC watchers who can now just scroll their Instagram's and purchase apparel and accessories at their leisure.

Why Should Advertisers Care?

I know what you're thinking, as an advertiser, why should you care about these new features? Instagram is working to bridge the gap for advertisers, making it easier for advertisers that want to leverage Instagram as an e-commerce platform. With Shopping in Stories, brands will be able to place a shopping bag icon on any products within a Story, making it possible for users to click the shopping bag and view product information, more images or links to the brand’s website to purchase the product. Talk about an easy and pain-free way to increase your business' overall revenue, as well as securing brand new customers for your brand!

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