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Building Online Brands

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Building Online Brands

With the idea spinning from the popular Twitter Chat, #MillenialTalk, we decided to start our own chat and term it #SharkRemarks. This first event took place on Oct 20th at 3pm. We wanted to keep a time that fellow business people and influencers could interact with and not take too much time away from their desk. Our first topic of Building Online Brands was born from the concept that here at Red Shark Digital that’s what we do every day, building online brands.

What Is A Twitter Chat?

For those of you who aren’t sure what a Twitter Chat is, let us explain. Usually, the host poses questions that different members of the Twitter-sphere answer in honest. The chat’s usually form around specific topics. It could be DIY projects, Knitting, Boats, Social Media, Financial Tips, or anything that the host wants to discuss for the day. At Red Shark Digital, we’ve decided to keep our chats focused around our company and what we do every day. These chats usually only pose 6-10 questions and last around an hour. For our first chat, we posed the following seven questions:

1.     What do you think is the first thing that identifies your online brand?

2.     How do you see your online customer and offline customer being different?

3.    What do you see being the top skill needed for online branding?

4.     How important do you think #Hashtag use is for brand awareness?

5.     What social platform do you think is ideal for brand building?

6.     How do you build online content relevant to your brand?

7.     What is the biggest challenge for brand building online?

From these seven questions, we had over 250 replies and we’ve highlighted some of our favorites below:


The wildest part of our hour was having #SharkRemarks reach as many people and be seen on so many Twitter Timelines. A reach is just how many times the hashtag was directly viewed, whereas the timeline views might be where your 500 followers saw the hashtag appear on their timeline because you tweeted it.

Hashtag Views

On Deck for Next Time

Leading up to our Twitter Chat, we gained 37 new followers who helps us branch out and impress this conversation to even more. We’re excited to host another #SharkRemarks on November 10th again at 3PM! This time we will be discussing the Future of Design in Digital Advertising.


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