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41 Local SEO Terms to Remember

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

41 Local SEO Terms to Remember

Red Shark Digital

If you don't work within the digital marketing or local SEO field, the language commonly used can sound like jargon. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of words with definitions to help you get to know more about local SEO.

  1. AdWords: Google’s pay-per-click advertising program
  2. Age: As it relates to domains, web pages, local business listings, reviews, citations, and other local SEO factors, age is believed to have some influence on search engine rankings.
  3. Aggregator: A company that maintains and supplies the underlying business database for local search directories.
  4. Algorithm: A special formula used by search engines to rank web pages in order of importance or relevance for a particular keyword search.
  5. Analytics: Any tool or program that tracks user behavior, such as traffic to a website, duration of visits, and conversions.
  6. Anchor text: The text contained in a web link. Descriptive words in link text can be used to improve the relevancy of the page to which the link points. For instance, "Minneapolis plumber" is more descriptive than "click here."
  7. Apple Maps: Apple's mobile mapping application.
  8. Audit: In local SEO, the term "audit" is often used to describe a thorough analysis of an aspect of a company's marketing.
  9. Authority: A general term used to describe the influential power of a domain, a website, a citation source, a review, or other entities.
  10. Blended Search/ Blended Results: An historic term for search engine results that combine both organic factors
  11. Blog: A form of web-based publication that allows readers to interact with the publisher via commenting.
  12. Brick-And-Mortar: In the local search arena, the term brick-and-mortar is used to indicate a business model operating within a physical building.
  13. Bug: A technical flaw in a digital medium.
  14. Bulk Upload: Typically refers to the act of creating multiple local business listings for multi-location business models at once, typically via a spreadsheet or other type of form, on a given platform.
  15. Business Description: Sometimes simply called "description." Describes a field provided for a text description of a business on a local business listing.
  16. Business Title: The name of a business—specifically the name of a business as registered at one of the major local search engines or online Yellow Pages directories.
  17. Call Tracking Number: A phone number used to measure the success of specific marketing efforts and to determine the source of leads. For local businesses, call tracking numbers must be implemented carefully to ensure they don't cloud the clarity of the company's basic business data
  18. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): A type of website code which allows for easier page editing by designers and faster processing of HTML by search engines.
  19. Citation: A complete or partial web-based reference to a business's name, address, phone number and other core data.
  20. Citation Campaign: The marketing practice of auditing, cleaning up, and building citations for a local business on a variety of local business data platforms.
  21. click-through rate (CTR): The rate at which users click on an advertisement, link, or other search engine result.
  22. Conversion: The process of convincing a website visitor to call, email, or visit a business offline
  23. Crawl: The act of a search engine reading a page.
  24. Data Provider: A company with an explicit contract to supply local search engines with underlying business information.
  25. Domain Name: The web address or homepage of a particular business or organization.
  26. Feed: A structured, automated list of content or data produced by a website.
  27. Geotagged: An adjective describing a piece of text content or other media content tagged with geographic attributes.
  28. Head Keywords: Very competitive, usually weakly targeted keywords with a high number of searches.
  29. HTML (HyperText Markup Language): A type of website code which is easily read and understood by search engines. HTML is the original programming language used on the Internet.
  30. Hyperlocal: An adjective used to describe a website or web content that is extremely specific to a particular neighborhood, district or area of a city
  31. Internal Anchor Text: Anchor text on a link from a page on your own website to another page on your site.
  32. Internal Link: A link from a page on your own website to another page on your own website.
  33. Keyword: A term entered by searchers to find businesses or websites on a search engine.
  34. Landing Page: The page that a searcher first encounters when clicking through from a search engine result or online advertising.
  35. Link Juice: Slang for the organic ranking potential passed from one page to another via a link.
  36. Local Algorithm / Local Results: Refers to the specific formula and the results returned by that formula used by search engines for ranking business listings' relevance for a particular geographic area.
  37. Local SEO (local search engine optimization): Specialized online marketing that increases visibility for businesses interested in ranking for geographically-related keywords.
  38. Location Prominence: Technical term used by Google in its local search patent to identify some of the criteria behind its local algorithm.
  39. Meta Description: A handcrafted snippet of text that can be included in a tag near the top of the code for each webpage. This text sometimes appears beneath your title tag in organic search results.
  40. Meta Keywords: A list of keywords included in a tag near the top of the code for each webpage.
  41. Meta Tags: The generic term for hidden pieces of specially structured code near the top of each webpage that can provide more information to search engines about the content of the page.

Although the list of terms could still go on, we hope you enjoyed our starting list and learned something new today! For more interesting, fun, and informative blogs, head on over to our website at Red Shark Digital!

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