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4 Branding Trends for 2023

November 12, 2021
April 30, 2023

4 Branding Trends for 2023

Red Shark Digital

We should all know by now that branding is king. Well, if you didn’t know, now you know. Branding has a lot to do with the logo, but also includes things like social media presence, web design, and packaging. Here at Red Shark Digital, we love tackling new branding projects that give us a chance to make well-designed assets for your brand. With that being said, we’ve put together a list of the biggest branding trends for 2020. So buckle up, because we’re diving right into it.

Here Are Our 4 Branding Trends for 2023

  1. Line art
  2. Nuanced minimalism
  3. Boldly metallic materials
  4. Visual Storytelling

Line Art

Within the last couple of years, coloring apps have been popping up on adult’s phones left and right. Just ask our digital strategist, Abby. The craze is still going and it’s doing a number on design and branding as we know it. The simplicity of line art offers potential customers a break from the perfect edged, cookie-cutter world that they’re living in. So, in terms of branding, the trend has influenced a super cool design aesthetic that feels both nostalgic and uber-charming at the same time.

Forbes Japan byMUTI      

Orange Wheat byKenny Coil

Nuanced Minimalism

Minimalism comes in many different sub-categories that have been explored and unearthed over the past decade. The new wave of nuanced minimalism has been providing us with super sleek, visually appealing designs. The combinations of shapes and types have proven to be very successful in this trend.

Airplane byAndrey Karpov

Bold Metallic Materials

You commonly see the metallics break out during the super busy holiday season. You could easily walk down Times Square during the holidays and see over 1000 metallic elements in the storefront windows alone. But 2020 has other plans for those bold metallic hits. We’re starting to see more and more metallic and chrome hit branding items. These aren’t frilly, or overly intricate, but sleek, modern, and cool. 2020 metallics have been incredibly striking, yet super organized and easy to digest. The best way to utilize chrome and metallics seems to be those minimalist settings. The little accents, dashes, and sprinkles of metallics ramp up your branding to that next level.Metallics also give off that luxury vibe. Those highly sought after golds, dark platinum, copper, and rose gold make a lasting impression on any and all print materials (like packaging or business cards). They also make for excellent brand elements to be utilized in digital spaces.

The Art of Plays byCharles & Thorn

Hustle & GrindbyTracie Ching

Visual Storytelling

Developing a strong brand goes beyond superior packaging and really cool looking logos. It’s about your approach to telling the story of the brand. In both digital and print, we’re beginning to see visual-heavy branding that takes storytelling to the next level. Lists, thoughtful infographics, and animated gifs are just a couple of great ways to tell a story, outside of the box.

Back It byVest Vaniashina

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