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Take the Plunge: Local SEO Tier II

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Take the Plunge: Local SEO Tier II

For local businesses, Local SEO has become a key strategy for targeting potential customers. Why is it so popular you ask? Local search utilizes those “near me” searches to deliver results to local businesses in a user’s area. Businesses using local search tactics will appear in those results, as well as basic information about their business that often draws customers in. If you’re not using Local SEO correctly, Google may choose to not show your business or you may lack in attracting new customers. That’s where Red Shark’s Local Search Marketing Packages come in.

We currently have three packages to choose from. While Local I is the budget-friendly option, with Local II, your strategy will be more customized to your business and help you better target your potential audience. Local II includes all of the features from the Local I package including Local Search Directory Citation Building, creating and managing your Google My Business profile, as well as removing harmful duplicate listings. However, you will also receive features such as reputation monitoring and custom posts curated for your specific business that will help to drive traffic.

Reputation Monitoring is a key strategy for any business. Users have become more trusting of online reviews over the years, so having multiple positive reviews is essential to helping your business succeed. However negative reviews could potentially hurt your business if not handled appropriately. Our Google & Yelp reputation monitoring system will monitor any negative reviews your business may receive and craft the perfect response to handling customer concerns.

If you’re interested in connecting with more users the Local II package is crafted to drive traffic to your company and build customer relationships. You will receive a weekly Google My Business, Facebook, and Blog post that is custom to your business. This will help you get the word out about any specials you may currently have, as well as help you build your rankings to get you featured on the first page of results.

With every local search marketing package, you will receive monthly marketing analytics that will show campaign growth and how your business has been impacted. You also have the ability to add-on features such as a responsive WordPress website, or web management services.

If you haven’t started implementing Local SEO, today is the day to start! Our Local SEO packages help you easily get started building your brand and getting your business noticed. Take advantage of this offer today and start connecting with a larger audience in your area!

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