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Stepping Up Your Game with Google My Business

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Stepping Up Your Game with Google My Business

Red Shark Digital

There are so many ways to utilize Google for your business - but today I want to talk about Google My Business (GMB) and how it can benefit your business! If you haven’t heard of this savvy and easy way to advertise your business, get ready to discover all of the reasons why you should set up a GMB account. At Red Shark Digital, digital agency Raleigh NC, we encourage businesses to set up their Google My Business accounts to help put you on the map!

#1: It’s FREE!

It’s free - when you have so many other costs, why not take advantage of this free tool? Google My Business lets your business profile show up in search results when people are looking for you online. It’s a great marketing tool for small and big businesses alike!

#2: Be discoverable!

Search is digital - plain and simple! Even if you run an old-fashioned brick-and-mortar business, the majority of your customers are searching for you online. Typically, people looking for certain businesses, products, or services begin their search online. GMB ensures you get top results, even if you already have a presence online. Accounts also provide access to analytics, allowing you or your digital agency Raleigh NC to fine-tune your paid and organic advertising strategies.

#3: It keeps your customers informed!

Provide all the important details your customers need to know at their fingertips. It’s better for you to provide all the information that they need versus them getting it from various review sites. Display your contact information, business hours, and other essential information. You can post updates to share you’ve changed locations, that you’re temporarily closed, or fully opened! This has been an extremely helpful feature during COVID-19. The more your customers know about the in’s and out’s of your business, the better! Misinformation can lead to bad experiences and missed opportunities. So don’t miss out on what your digital agency Raleigh NC can do for you!

#4: Boost Customer Confidence!

Customers are 70% more likely to visit businesses with a Google My Business listing and businesses are also twice as more likely to earn trust from their customers due to their completed GMB listing. Trust is a big factor when it comes to making a purchase or seeking services, so the more confident a consumer feels, the more likely they are to buy your products or use your services. GMB reviews also play a big role too - the majority of consumers trust online reviews as much as they do personal recommendations.There are so many ways to market your business, but Google My Business is the easiest and cheapest way to make sure you show up in search results. Plus it allows your customers a chance to know everything about your business before they even reach out to you. At Red Shark Digital agency Raleigh NC, we highly recommend taking advantage of GMB for all of the reasons listed above. Google My Business will help you and your customers!

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