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Running the Race With Red Shark

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Running the Race With Red Shark

Abby Costello

With class starting Monday, I am really in a transition stage with Red Shark Digital, since I just can't let them go. I have been working with Red Shark this summer under the role of client services intern and will be transitioning to a part-time digital marketing intern during my last fall semester at ECU. (Not ready for it to end)

As a client services intern, I have learned so much about the clients, but also what goes on behind the scenes. With hundreds of clients, I have seen all their names on our organization platform, but when they walk through the door it always feels good to put a face with their names. In addition to answering the door, I have also been on phone calls and directing clients to get the best help, and have worked on content creation and helping with SEO strategy. In between calls, I have learned what it is like to work in a small office environment, from joining in on team lunches, to being the star of the Instagram story and taking field trips around downtown.

A large portion of my time has been spent learning what everyone on the team does to create and deliver the best digital marketing campaigns to a list of small businesses. From website design, content creation, graphics, and SEO planning, I've overheard and sat down with everyone collaborating together to make plans and deliver our services to an absurd amount of clients. From here I took a bite at SEO and worked with geofencing lists, Google My Business posts, and blog writing. Being taught then executing these tasks really shows what a business is looking for from a marketing agency, as well as how to deliver and get results. My rolls will change this month and I will be more focused on marketing tasks, rather than organizing clients, but having experience will all sides of marketing is key to my future success. From new fish in the tank, to new interns, can’t wait to meet the all the new additions to the team!

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