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How Small Business Can Benefit From Local SEO

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

How Small Business Can Benefit From Local SEO

Abby Costello

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an efficient way to market your business and its products and services to customers within a specific geographic area. On the other hand, compared to a standard search, local SEO provides the user with results that are both relevant to their search and close in proximity. A large amount of search queries derive from consumers that are on-the-go and wanting local results – this coined the phrase ‘local intent.’

Search Engines and Local SEO

Imagine you are driving through town and you get a flat tire. You make a Google search for ‘towing services near me’ and see that there is a towing establishment only two miles up the road. You give them a call and are able to get your flat tire taken care of, solely because of local SEO.

Furthermore, search queries in Google undergo countless algorithms to provide the user with timely results that are most accessible to their inquiry. If your local SEO strategy is exceptional, your business should be at the top of Google’s Local 3-Pack and have a high click-through rate (CTR).

4 Strategies to Improve Your Local SEO

When examining a variety of search engine result pages (SERPs), the consumer is most likely going to choose the result that provides the most applicable, up-to-date information. The strategies listed below will provide you with the most effective ways to engage in local SEO practices.

1. Name, address, and phone number (NAP) citations are extremely important

They provide the consumer with ways they can get in touch with you. If this information is inconsistent or unavailable, search engines will likely disregard your business and consider others instead.

2. Local directories

Yelp and Foursquare can benefit your business by providing consumers with further information. Being able to verify and provide accurate information about your listings is imperative. If your citations are steadily consistent, consumers will believe your business is reliable.

3. Regularly seeking reviews and engaging in ways to improve your reviews

Asking clients and consumers to leave and share reviews is a great way to get feedback and drive engagement amongst your audience. Responding to reviews lets the consumer know you care about their feelings. Therefore, a relationship is built and trust is gained.

4. Optimizing your website’s URL, title tags, meta descriptions, and content

Being able to optimize your content by including distinct keywords within each of these components is essential. Interesting content is essential in the ranking of SERPs and being placed higher than your competitors. This content can include writing blogs, testimonials, and case studies.

Localize your content so that your results are more relevant to the person who is searching. The ability to emotionally connect with your audience is a vital component in local SEO. Go further than stating what your products or services are and focus on industries that your primary audiences may have interest in.

How Can Red Shark Digital Help?

If you would like to learn more about Local SEO marketing and how to improve your rankings on Search Engine Results Page (SERP), Contact Us Today! Our SEO experts will help formulate a plan to help create content and improve your rankings.

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