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5 Small Business Blogging Tips for Beginners

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

5 Small Business Blogging Tips for Beginners

Red Shark Digital

For SMBs, or small and medium-sized businesses, going online can really change the way you do business. By going online, you can communicate with many more potential customers. After all, anyone anywhere in the world can access your website and social media pages, as long as they have an internet connection. If you start using e-commerce as well, you can even sell your products online. However, it’s not enough to just have a static online presence. You also have to keep updating your website and social media pages if you want to attract more views. One way of updating your website on a regular basis is by having a blog. So here are a few blogging tips for SMBs:

  1. Keep it short. Most people who are looking for information online don’t like to read paragraph after paragraph of text. This traditional way of writing is fine for books and magazines but when it comes to blogging, it’s best to keep things short and sweet. An ideal blog post is between 250 and 500 words max. If you find yourself going over this limit, try to trim your posts until they’re a more manageable length.
  3. Subdividing your text. Since people surfing the internet are generally in a hurry, they like to take in an entire article or blog post at one go. To enable them to do this, you need to subdivide your text which can be done with the help of bullet points and lists. You can also just give a heading to each paragraph to make it clear what it’s about.
  5. Blog regularly. It’s not much use having a blog if your last update was last year. It’s a good idea to add blog posts at least once a week if not twice. If you don’t have the time to blog or if you’re not much of a writer, there are many blogging services that will provide you with well-written, up-to-date blogs.
  7. Diversify. There are many various things you can blog about, such as the history of your product, the latest news in your field, changes you’re thinking about making in your company etc. The idea is to keep diversifying your content to see what works best for you and your clientele. Once you find that certain blog posts are garnering many views, you can try expanding on that topic.
  9. Understand your audience. You need to make sure that you’re targeting the right demographic with your blog posts. If your audience consists of teenagers, you’ll want to adopt a lighter tone. But with people looking to invest money, you’ll want a slightly more serious tone. Still, it’s always important to make sure you write for the layperson and avoid too much jargon.

Contact Red Shark Digital for more information on blogging for small business!

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