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Improving UX for the Holiday Shopper

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Improving UX for the Holiday Shopper

Erin Porter

With Summer coming to an end and Fall quickly approaching, the holiday season will be here before you know it. While customers may wait until later to start picking items off their loved ones wish list, for businesses it’s never too early to start preparing your website for the influx of traffic. Having an easy to use website and a strong user experience will not only help the user but help you secure more sales.

Identify Customer Needs

Holiday shopping is stressful, from pressure to find the perfect gift to the gaping hole that forms in their wallet, customers are constantly on the hunt for great products at a reasonable price. With tons of options and a wealth of knowledge available at their fingertips, you’ll want to implement a strategy that helps your products and business stand out. A great way to do this is to cater your strategy to the customer’s needs. During the holiday season, customers want to ensure that your site is reputable and trustworthy. Implementing easy to access detailed order histories and accurate product information will help build customer relationships even after the holidays.

Optimize for Mobile

Thanks to the digital age, users no longer need to leave the house to shop for presents and gifts. In 2017, online shopping sales reached $108.2 billion during the holiday season. Users use their smartphones to shop for products, research pricing, and read reviews. For busy moms always on the go, having a website that is mobile responsive will allow them to easily find the product they are looking for at any time or place. To improve your mobile experience you’ll want to ensure your site is personal and responsive. Improving search result accuracy, offering relevant results, and using large tap-friendly filters will help the user find products easier and boost conversions.

Centralized Discounts

With major sales and discounts like Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up, you’ll want to have specific pages dedicated to featuring sale products. Every business is going to be blasting customers emails with special deals and prices. Adding a temporary landing page will work as a direct link to your products, as well as making the discount easily accessible. You can blast this link on your social media, as well as email lists to hopefully draw in new customers. Having this page easily accessible in your main navigation menu can help customers easily navigate back to the special discount code. The customer will no longer have to dig around in their junk folder for your code, saving them time and money. With the holidays quickly approaching, it’s never too early to get your business ready for the holiday season. Having a strong UX strategy will not only improve your website but ultimately make your customers happy. These are just a few ideas to help you get started, test out the waters and see what works best for your site! For more tips on how to improve the UX of your website contact Red Shark Digital today!

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