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Responsive Web Design

November 12, 2021
May 4, 2023

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design refers to the use of HTML and CSS features in order to resize all elements of a webpage. This allows each element to proportionally scale to the user’s device, whether it be a desktop, tablet, or phone. To enable responsive web design, computer programmers use bits of code to allow different elements to resize according to the device’s screen size. Responsive web design gives your website dimensionality among users and their screens, while providing a diverse audience access to your products and services.

Low Conversion Rates Due to Bad Responsive Web Design

The ability to condense desktop content into a smaller, mobile platform makes for a tight squeeze. Mobile users often do not have the same intentions as desktop users. People using their phones are frequently on-the-go and looking for quick access to information. When these users cannot quickly find what they are looking for, they become puzzled and leave the site. Therefore, conversion rates on mobile devices are significantly lower than on desktops.

Mobile UX

Instead of merely transferring a desktop site to a mobile one, consideration must be viewed from a holistic view. You want to take into consideration the mobile experience and the user’s disposition. In order to develop an enjoyable mobile user experience UI, UX, and computer programmers need to take two factors into consideration.

Those two factors are:

1) Why the mobile user arrived at your site?

2) Their intentions.

How to Execute Successful Responsive Websites

Web developers and designers must acknowledge the following essential steps to implement useful responsive web design.

  • Optimize the sizes of the photos on your website, while taking into consideration the photo’s most important characteristics.
  • Simplify the navigation bar by utilizing an accessible search bar or menu option at the top of your mobile site.
  • Deactivate pop ups and overlays to drive traffic and conversion rates on these devices.
  • When your text is minimized, rewritten, and reorganized, your user will have a better visual experience and a more clear understanding of the information they are viewing.

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