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Marathons and Marketing: Introducing Julie

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Marathons and Marketing: Introducing Julie

Red Shark Digital

My name is Julie Bunyea and I am the new Client Services Intern at Red Shark Digital. I am attending East Carolina University as a rising senior, majoring in Marketing and Supply Chain Management.

Starting at Red Shark Digital, I am ready to see the true way a marketing agency runs, as a textbook can only teach so much. I chose to begin my career path in marketing as I have been inspired since high school. Somewhat different than soccer or basketball, my sport growing up was horseback riding. Being from New York, I have traveled up and down the East Coast with my team and horses to compete in shows for over 7 years. Working closely with my trainer, she has plenty of experience with show horse sales, and as I grew older I started to assist her. I began by creating advertisements for her horses and posting on our social media as well as external sale sites.

Being a student, needing to find a new way to stay active, I have found a new love for running. You can always catch me running past Red Shark, onto the Greenways of Greenville, alongside the Tar River. I recently completed my second half marathon in Queens, New York, and hope to be able to complete the full 26.2 miles.

During my last three years at ECU, I have found an interest in technology, and have been inspired by my analytical classes. I found the opportunity to work with Apple in their education department and will be this year's Apple Campus Representative for East Carolina University. This experience allows me to bring technology and applications to department heads and the classrooms across the university.

Working at Red Shark this summer, I am most interested in learning about the sales aspects that it takes to keep Red Shark running. SEO is another area I have learned about in school that I would love to get a chance to see in real time. Can’t wait to see what is to come with this internship!

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