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Make Salsa, Not War: Introducing Riley Clark

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Make Salsa, Not War: Introducing Riley Clark

Red Shark Digital

My name is Riley Clark and I am one of your new digital marketing interns at Red Shark Digital. I’m a rising senior at East Carolina University and am majoring in Communications with a focus in Journalism. Outside of digital marketing, my interests consist of cute puppies and nutrition.

I have three loves in life and they are my pug (Lola-Mae), my Chihuahua (Scout), and Mexican food. However, Mexican food isn’t exactly the healthiest so I generally have to limit myself to two baskets of chips, rather than three. I also always cheat and get the sweet tea because everyone knows their sweet tea is the best and the sweetest of the sweet.

I’ve had an exciting first couple of weeks at Red Shark Digital. My time here has consisted of expanding my knowledge of digital marketing and utilizing the skills I’ve learned in the classroom. Red Shark and its employees have given me so many opportunities in the little time I’ve been here. It’s a great feeling completing a piece of work, but it’s an even better feeling to have that work published. And that’s exactly what has happened since the start of my internship. I’ve written numerous blogs for different companies and for Red Shark themselves and had the ability to view and read my work online.

Although having my blogs published online doesn’t make me a published author, I can imagine this is close to how it feels (maybe, but probably not). I’ve enjoyed so much writing blogs on numerous topics and using several new programs. Luckily, Red Shark has an amazing, patient staff that has helped me familiarize myself with these new programs and software.

Before starting here, I had little to no knowledge of SEO, organic search results, blog writing, and the several programs we use to provide clients with information about their websites and traffic. I’ve even learned more information about things I thought to be useless but are actually very important and crucial to the dynamics of any site and search engines like Google or Yahoo.

The information I’ve learned in this short amount of time will not only help me at Red Shark but also help me to thrive in my future endeavors. Technology is on the rise and familiarizing myself with digital marketing will keep me up to date and ahead of the job market. I’m so happy Red Shark chose me to be a part of their team and can’t wait to see where this internship, the skills I’ve learned, and the knowledge I’ve yet to capacitate will take me.

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