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Way More than a Plain Jane: Introducing Emilyjane

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Way More than a Plain Jane: Introducing Emilyjane

Red Shark Digital

Hi, I’m Emilyjane and I’m one of the new interns this summer at Red Shark Digital! I’m currently a senior at North Carolina Wesleyan College with plans to graduate this December with Bachelor of Science degrees, double majoring in Marketing and Business Administration.

I was born and raised in Greenville, NC by my parents who were East Carolina Pirates. I truly loved growing up in this small town, meeting a great diversity of people. When I graduated high school, I really had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, I just remember feeling so unprepared for college. I decided to initially start taking classes at Pitt Community College to see what field of study would interest me. So, I started my college journey focused on the health field but shortly realized that there is a more creative side of me that wants to pursue a different path and hopefully unveil my hidden talents. In December of 2016, I completed my general Associate degree at Pitt Community College and decided to further my education in business at North Carolina Wesleyan College. I’ve always been interested in the advertisement design behind products and the creative aspect of how it motivates customers to buy a specific brand of product. I’m still in the process of finding out things that I’m passionate about and how I want to pursue those things within my career one day.

For the last 4.5 years of my life, I’ve been working as a Customer Sales Representative selling appliance and HVAC parts for a local business in Greenville. (Yes, I know how to troubleshoot an appliance) This job has really pushed me out of my comfort zone and I’ve learned a variety of things about how a small business operates the HVAC industry and the home appliance industry. In the past few years, I’ve become more interested in the marketing behind the products that we sell and that’s what motivated me to pursue the marketing/business field.

When I’m not interning, working or in class, I’m usually taking care of my dachshund hound mix, Penny. I adopted Penny a few years ago and she’s been a part of my family ever since. I’ve grown up with multiple dogs throughout my life, but Penny has really made a huge impact on my life and has gotten me through some pretty tough times with her sweet and spunky personality. On my days off I enjoy taking her to the greenway and dog park. I love adventures, so on the weekends, you can usually find me traveling to a new city or place. Low-key I’ve been learning digital photography on my own and enjoy capturing all my adventures.

I was totally stoked when I found out that I would be interning in my hometown because I’m already familiar with some local businesses around here. I’m super excited to be interning at Red Shark Digital Marketing this summer and I’m looking forward to where this opportunity will lead me.

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