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Why You Should Apply For An Internship At RSD

November 12, 2021
May 1, 2023

Why You Should Apply For An Internship At RSD

Abby Costello

Digital marketing is not going anywhere. In fact, every day new digital marketing innovations are changing the industry as we know it. So why wouldn't you want to jump the bandwagon and get your foot in the door with one of the best digital marketing firms in the Eastern North Carolina area?

As a current Digital Marketing Intern, I can say that this internship is more than just another workplace to list on my resume. My time at Red Shark Digital has been more than I could ever ask for, and I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunities I have had. I have acquired skills that I could have never gained just sitting in a classroom taking notes.

During the course of my Digital Marketing Internship, I have learned invaluable skills including:

  • Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing
  • Creating blog content
  • Writing an effective title and meta tags
  • WordPress experience
  • Setting up website content
  • Google Analytics & Google AdWords training and certifications  
  • Strategic planning for marketing campaigns
  • Implementing key strategies and innovative solutions for clients
  • Experience in the daily functions of a marketing firm, and much much more

This internship has not only taught me workplace and digital marketing skills but has given me the experience needed to succeed in a “real life” digital marketing role.

Another big plus to interning at Red Shark Digital is the relaxed atmosphere. Everyone in the office knows how to have fun and I can honestly say there is never a dull moment. With an open floor plan, as well as regular team outings you get the opportunity to get to know everyone in the office.  

I highly recommend interning with Red Shark Digital. It’s the best I’ve ever had, and trust me it’ll be the best internship you’ll ever have too. Red Shark Digital is accepting Digital Marketing Intern applications from April 5th to the 17th. So don’t wait, apply for the digital marketing internship today!

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